About VFRW

Who we are…

The Valley Forge Romance Writers (VFRW) is a not-for-profit organization dedicated to providing fellowship, support, and educational opportunities to its members. We seek to promote excellence in Romance fiction, to help writers become published and establish their writing careers, and to provide continuing support for all within the Romance industry.

We welcome members of all backgrounds, regardless of race, age, religion, gender, or sexual identity.

VFRW invites you to come to a meeting to see if membership in our group might be just what YOU need!

Please email VFRWpresident@gmail.com for more information on meeting location and time.



We host monthly meetings and strive to provide excellent workshops on “Craft, Industry, and Business” topics.  Our meetings are lively events that encourage friendships, give support, and foster collaboration between our members. We discuss what’s going on in the publishing business, and provide encouragement to struggling writers while also celebrating our member’s recent successes — and we have lots and lots of successes!

Board Members

Currently, VFRW seats a board of three individuals: 

President: The President serves as leader of VFRW’s Board of Directors, and in that role, helps steer our organization, providing guidance and insight, helping to set the budget, and oversee all of the group’s matters. 

Secretary: The secretary keeps the minutes for all general and board meetings and keeps records for the organization. 

Treasurer: The Treasurer tracks and report on the finances for the organization. 

To contact any of the board members above, please fill out the form on our Contact Us page.


In addition to the Board of Directors, many members volunteer on committees to help the organization run smoothly.

Join Us

Valley Forge Romance Writers is about to celebrate thirty years promoting excellence in Romance fiction, sharing monthly camaraderie, and providing professional enrichment to our members.

Why not join us to see if we can help you find your happily-ever-after? 

Become a VFRW member today!